Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bike Ride in Golden Gate Park

Rented a bicycle and rode in Golden Gate Park. Ha ha. I thought I might ride to the beach or see the bison. I could barely ride. I found a space to circle like a hawk while I figured out the gears and adjusted my seat to the right height. After I got a little comfortable, I set out: the Park ain't all that flat at the entrance! I didn't go far. Found a place on the grass (not far from the children's area) to have lunch.

I returned the bike after an hour and a half. On the way back I was more comfortable but didn't have ANY power going uphill. Awkwardly, I  had to dismount at one point and walk it the rest of the way. I'm glad for the experience though, because I need the practice.

More practice and exercise required!

My bike.

Passing Segways.

A really nice tree.

It was a nice day to be out and about!

* * *
Follow my blog-novel at my other blog here.

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