Friday, December 6, 2013

Sonnet: Unmet Time

O unmet Time astray in vast beyond
Bold actuality of breath and blood
The cold ideal stillborn in the pond
Of dreams whose frozen aspect hoards the flood,
As nears the date so real my wish but lost
In broken earth and bridge, in labor fight
Unscented aromatic bloom at cost
To vagabond on pause before his flight,
Through visions in the night and daylong dream
I see you young and surging yet again
Approach our meeting with your passions keen
And close to touch ---- again in vain,
Eternal separation fashions view
Tormenting hope of ever loving you.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sonnet: Buyer Gratification

Not three days gone since making my decision
for Barnes and Noble's Nook HD the plus
I sit awaiting buyer gratification
now crossing country in truck train or bus,
For five and change it could have been a jet
and playing now or had delivery
same day if in Manhattan yet
still pick up at the B & N near me,
But San Francisco doesn't host a store
so layaway the frantic buy-and-fetch
impulses: anticipation from my door
to Edison New Jersey an awful stretch,
And in that interval ---- should I die
those store-wrought energies arise and sigh.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Consume Her

My transcript below of the video of the woman at the Apple Store. Despite the shouting, she seems composed. Maybe the part she speaks of is an acting role? What do you think?


I was told by AppleCare


that I could walk in the store


and get the part!


 Visit my other blogs: Witness in Writing and First Novel.